Thursday, September 2, 2010


Camel is an animal with the rank of Cfieat fingers, from camelid species. Known fatty mass on his back called the hump. Beauty (or camel) of two types:

Dromedary: He has one hump, and live areas of North Africa and the Sahara and the Middle East.

Two-humped camels, living in the Central Asian region.

May be called quasi-term sentences on the beauty of the camelid family, namely: real beauty (dromedary camel and a two-humped) and the quasi-four South American Beauty: the llama and alpaca and Jawanaku (Name: Guanaco) and Alvicua.

Average life expectancy of a camel is 30 to 40 years. And the length of sentences full growth is 1.85 m (6 feet and inches) at the shoulder and 2.15 m (7 feet and inches) at the hump. Rising hump of about 76 cm (about 30 inches) from the body. And camels to reach a speed of 65 kilometers per hour (40 mph), and can continue on the speed of 40 km / h (25 mph).

And animals, the camel promotes rapid dissipation pregnancy go down by the heavy and

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